Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Home Decor

It's really been cold here in Pennsylvania! Ok, I know it's winter and this is the east coast. But, it's been unnaturally cold. So, I've decided to think warm thoughts and take some time to work on some home decor projects from some of my summer pictures. The page above is one I did for my sister-in-law, of her and her daughter at their local community pool. But, I have so many wonderful pictures of my boys swimming, playing ball outside, and at the water park, that I should have plenty to choose from.

So, let's talk a little about home decor. Heritage Makers pages are printed on heavy weight, velvet, lignon-free, acid-free paper that makes it perfect for framing or even creating beautiful decorator tiles. If you were to print a page on photo printer and attempt to Modge Podge it onto a tile, all of the colors would run and it would be a disaster. Not so with the amazingly high quality printed pages from Heritage Makers. These tiles make gorgeous home display pieces and one-of-a-kind gifts that will be treasured for generations.

Another beautiful home decor idea from Heritage Makers is a poster that can be customized and framed. I love the idea of doing this for a child's room, perhaps to commemorate the details of their arrival or to capture a sport they love to play. The sky's the limit!

I will be making two new tiles from pages I have created and ordered. Additionally, I will be framing posters of the boys' first season playing baseball. Heritage Makers makes all of this so easy that I can make decor for each season...and you know I will!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Winter is such a great time to start storybooking. Every day brings new photos, new memories, and best of all, stories we all want to be able to share. With a foot of snow outside and two little boys who LOVE to play in it, this is certainly the case at our house.

So, this has got me thinking about my childhood and how much I loved playing in the snow. I grew up in Southern California, so we couldn't just walk outside the house and find snow - ever. But we often went to the local mountains to play and sled on a weekend day, and I loved it! I can remember making snow balls and snow people; I can remember playing until I could not longer feel my fingers and nose; I can even remember the delightful pain of the thaw when I finally went inside...sheer joy!

Documenting my memories of childhood snow-play and being able to compare it with the great fun my children are experiencing through their young winters is something I can't put a price on. But, being able to write that story and have it published in a beautiful hardbound book that will be enjoyed for generations is absolutely priceless.

Take the time to write your family's stories. If you don't do it, who will? Become your family's heritage maker by going to http://www.storybooklegacies.com

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

As my family's historian and storybooker, I love all holidays...after all, any excuse to take pictures and remember events. But, New Year's Eve has always held a particularly interesting place in my heart. I guess I feel like every time a year ends and a new one begins, new opportunities arise in all of our lives. The question is, do we see everything as an opportunity for good, or do we mistakenly see some things as bad? 2009 has had its share of negative events for our country. But, I am hopeful that 2010 will use all of those things for good.

Last night I created a beautiful poster for my in-laws celebrating them as grandparents. Heritage Makers makes it so easy to do, that I was able to put together a really special gift in less than 20 minutes. I hope to help many people find that this year they can, indeed, find 20 minutes to an hour to create something that will put a smile on someone's face while helping to strengthen their family. It's easy, it's fun, and the result is not only unique, but so much more special than most any other gifts you can give.

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Family Legacy

Today I begin on my mission to help others create stronger families through storybooking. I know what many might say...in today's political and economic climate, why is this important? To this I reply that never before has it it been so important. God has been banned from our schools and most of our public arenas, leaving us with a generation so lost that its only hope is in being raised within a family that instills in them morals, values, strong heritage, and an understanding of what walking in the truth buys them.

I can only give all of these things to my own children. But, through Heritage Makers, I can help others to build that strong heritage for their families. So, this is my mission. From this day forward, I will seek, through my workshops and this blog, to make storybooking more accessible to others so that they may be able to create the legacies for their own families from which heritage is born.

For more information, please go to www.storybooklegacies.com